We Seed the Future with Every Breath: Activist Predicaments & the Inner Life
Lata Mani in dialogue with Amrita Nandy, Daniel Forster, Vanessa Chishti & Poorva Rajaram
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What can the contemplative offer to feminism and to the struggle for social justice? Can the feminist assertion of the ‘I’ be reconciled with a dropping of egocentric consciousness? How are activists to engage the tension between the dynamic of resistance inherent to movements for social change and the Zen principle of letting things flow? Can pain be a teacher? How do we relate in a pandemic which prevents us from touching each other? What would be an approach to privilege that sidesteps guilt, self-flagellation or pretense? What is owed as part of an ethical life in context of the grossly unjust nature of the world? How does one act in a present which appears to foreshadow planetary destruction accompanied by the genocide of various minority populations?
We Seed the Future with Every Breath: Activist Predicaments & the Inner Life is a collection of three edited Zoom conversations held during 2020-2021. In them Lata Mani is in dialogue with Amrita Nandy, Daniel Forster, Vanessa Chishti, Poorva Rajaram and with questions from the audience.